Wednesday, February 23, 2011

New to scrapbooking

Hello everyone,

I am a new scrapbooker and new to this whole blog thing.  I really don't have a clue what I am doing with all of this stuff.  But anywho, here I am, giving it all a try!

I just recently bought a Cricut Expression and am slowly learning how to use it.  I am struggling with how much pressure to cut my paper with, and how big or small I should cut my image for the page I am working on.  Even with these two struggles, I am enjoying my new Cricut very much :)

I have been checking out some other blogs to help me get ideas for my new found hobby, and let me tell you, there are some WONDERFUL projects out there!

I hope that I can get the hang of all of this blogging stuff, and don't bore you all to death!


  1. Look at you bloggy girl!!! Can't wait to see all you do!!! :)

  2. Congratulations and welcome to this blogging world. I've only been blogging for 6 months, and scrapping for about a year longer. I've really enjoyed the community here, and love sharing my tips and cards. C'mon over and check out some neat stuff, and maybe win some prizes ...

    Keep it up!!

    (a.k.a., CardMonkey)

  3. Thanks for the invite Ellen <3 I am now following you as well!
